[95] J. P. Mendonca*, K. Jachymski*, and Yao Wang*, The Role of Exchange Interactions in Superradiant Phenomena, submitted (2025).


[94] Z. Shen, C. Xie, W.-C. Chen, and Yao Wang*, Light Control of Triplet Pairing in Correlated Electrons with Mixed-Sign Interactions, submitted (2025).


[93] S. Li*, S. Salek, B. Roy, Yao Wang*, and M. Chowdhury*, Quantum-Inspired Weight-Constrained Neural Network: Reducing Variable Numbers by 100x Compared to Standard Neural Networks, submitted (2024).


[92] P. Siriviboon*, C.-L. Fu, M. Landry, R. Okabe, D.C. Carrizales, Yao Wang, and M. Li*, Quantum Theory of X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy, submitted (2024).


[91] H. Padma*, F. Glerean, S. TenHuisen, Z. Shen, H. Wang, L. Xu, J. D. Elliott, C. C. Homes, E. Skoropata, H. Ueda, B. Liu, E. Paris, B. Lee, W. He, Y. Wang, S.-H. Lee, H. Choi, S.-Y. Park, Z. Mao, M. Calandra, H. Jang, E. Razzoli, M. P. M. Dean, Yao Wang*, and M. Mitrano*, Symmetry-Protected Electronic Metastability in an Optically Driven Cuprate Ladder, submitted (2024).


[90] R. Okabe, M. Cheng, A. Chotrattanapituk, N.T. Hung, X. Fu, B. Han, Yao Wang, W. Xie, R.J. Cava, T. S. Jaakkola, Y. Cheng, and M. Li*, Structural Constraint Integration in Generative Model for Discovery of Quantum Material Candidates, arXiv:2407.04557 (2024).


[89] S. Li*, M. S. Salek, Yao Wang, and M. Chowdhury, Quantum-Inspired Activation Functions in the Convolutional Neural Network, arXiv:2404.05901 (2024).


[88] C. Xie, A.D. Smith, H. Yan, W.-C. Chen, and Yao Wang*, Dynamical Approach to Realize Room-Temperature Superconductivity in LaH10, arXiv:2312.12706 (2023).


[87] Z. Zheng, X. Wang, Z. Zhu, S. Carr, T. Devakul, S. de la Barrera, N. Paul, Z. Huang, A. Gao, Y. Zhang, D. Bérubé, K. Evancho, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, L. Fu, Yao Wang, S.-Y. Xu, E. Kaxiras, P. Jarillo-Herrero*, and Q. Ma*, Electronic Ratchet Effect in a Moiré System: Signatures of Excitonic Ferroelectricity, arXiv:2306.03922 (2023).


[86] X. Chen, Y. Sun, E. Hruska, V. Dixit, J. Yang, Y. He*, Yao Wang*, and F. Liu*, Explainable Machine Learning Identification of Superconductivity from Single-Particle Spectral Functions, accepted by Newton (2025).


[85] J. Li, D. Jost, T. Tang, R. Wang, Y. Zhong, Z. Chen, M. Garcia-Fernandez, J. Pelliciari, V. Bisogni, B. Moritz, K. Zhou, Yao Wang, T.P. Devereaux, W.-S. Lee*, and Z.-X. Shen*, Doping Dependence of 2-Spinon Excitations in the Doped 1D Cuprate Ba2CuO3+δ, accepted by Physical Review Letters (2024).


[84] T. Liu*, L. Xu, J. Liu, and Yao Wang*, Entanglement Witness for Indistinguishable Electrons using Solid-State Spectroscopy, accepted by Physical Review X (2025).


[83] D. Song, S. Lee, Z. Shen, W. Jung, W. Lee, S. Choi, W. Kyung, S. Jung, S. Ishida, Y. Yoshida, S. Park, H. Eisaki, Yao Wang*, K.-Y. Choi*, and C. Kim*, Interplay between Hole Superconductivity and Quantum Critical Antiferromagnetic Fluctuations in Electron-Doped Cuprates, accepted by Nature Communications (2025).


[82] X. Jiang, Q. Qiu, C. Peng, H. Jang, W. Chen, X. Jin, L. Yue, B. Lee, S.-Y. Park, M. Kim, H.-D. Kim, X. Cai, Q. Li, T. Dong, N. Wang, J. J. Turner, Y. Li, Yao Wang*, and Y. Peng*, Using Magnetic Dynamics to Measure the Spin Gap in a Candidate Kitaev Material, npj Quantum Materials 10, 15 (2025).


[81] A. Alexandradinata, N.P. Armitage*, A. Baydin, W. Bi, Y. Cao, H. Changlani, E. Chertkov, E. da Silva Neto, L. Delacretaz, I. Baggari, G.M. Ferguson, W. Gannon, S. Ghorashi, B. Goodge, O. Goulko, G. Grissonnanche, A. Hallas, I. Hayes, Y. He, E. Huang, A. Kogar, D. Kumah, J. Lee, A. Legros, F. Mahmood, Y. Maximenko, N. Pellatz, H. Polshyn, T. Sarkar, A. Scheie, K. Seyler, Z. Shi, B. Skinner, L. Steinke, K. Thirunavukkuarasu, T. Trevisan, M. Vogl, P. Volkov, Yao Wang, Y. Wang, D. Wei, K. Wei, S. Yang, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, L. Zhao, and A. Zong, The Future of the Correlated Electron Problem, accepted by SciPost Physics Community Reports (2025).


[80] R.S.K. Gadde, S. Devaguptam, F. Ren, R. Mittal, L. Dong, Yao Wang, and F. Liu*, Chatbot-Assisted Quantum Chemistry for Explicitly Solvated Molecules, Chemical Science 16, 3852 (2025). [Cover Image]


[79] S. Ding, S. Li, and Yao Wang*, Sampling Electronic Fock States using Determinantal Quantum Monte Carlo, Communications Physics 8, 48 (2025).


[78] H. Tang, B. Xiao, W. He, P. Subasic, A. R. Harutyunyan, Yao Wang, F. Liu, H. Xu*, and J. Li*, Approaching Coupled-Cluster Accuracy for Molecular Electronic Structures with Multi-Task Learning, Nature Computational Science 5, 144 (2025).


[77] C. Chen, K. P. Nuckolls, S. Ding, W. Miao, D. Wong, M. Oh, R. L. Lee, S. He, C. Peng, D. Pei, Y. Li, C. Hao, H. Yan, H. Xiao, H. Gao, Q. Li, S. Zhang, J. Liu, L. He, Z. Liu, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, C. Li, X. Han, D. Pan, X. Dai, C. Liu, B.A. Bernevig, Yao Wang*, A. Yazdani, and Y. Chen*, Strong Electron-Phonon Coupling in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene, Nature 636, 342 (2024).


[76] X. Ren, R. Sutarto, Q. Gao, Q. Wang, J. Li, Yao Wang, T. Xiang, J. Hu, F.-C. Zhang, J. Chang, R. Comin, X.J. Zhou*, and Z. Zhu*, Two Distinct Charge Orders in Infinite-Layer PrNiO2+δ Revealed by Resonant X-ray Diffraction, Chinese Physics Letters 41, 117404 (2024).


[75] Z. Shen, J. Liu, H.-X. Wang, and Yao Wang*, Signatures of the Attractive Interaction in Spin Spectra of One-Dimensional Cuprate Chains, Physical Review Research (Letter) 6, L032068 (2024).


[74] J. Liu, S. Li, E.W. Huang, and Yao Wang*, Charge Density Wave State in Extremely Overdoped Cuprates Driven by Phonons, Physical Review B 110, 115133 (2024).


[73] P. Wrzosek, A.Klosinski, Yao Wang, M. Berciu, C. E. Agrapidis, and K. Wohlfeld*, The Fate of the Spin Polaron in the 1D Antiferromagnet, SciPost Physics 17, 018 (2024).


[72] Z. Wei, S. Li, B. Liu, X. Sun, Y. Hu, S. Sun, S. Peng, Y. Luo, L. Huai, J. Shen, B. Wang, Y. Miao, Z. Ou, Yao Wang, K. Jiang*, and J. He*, Particle-Hole Mixed Bogoliubov Quasiparticles and Cooper Instability in Fe-Based Superconductors, Communications Materials 5, 118 (2024).


[71] R. Okabe, A. Chotrattanapituk, A. Boonkird, N. Andrejevic, X. Fu, T. S. Jaakkola, Q. Song, T. Nguyen, N. Drucker, S. Mu, Yao Wang, B. Liao, Y. Cheng*, and M. Li*, Virtual Node Graph Neural Network for Full Phonon Prediction, Nature Computational Science 4,522 (2024). [Cover Image]


[70] Q. Gao, S. Fan, Q. Wang, J. Li, X. Ren, I. Biało, A. Drewanowski, P. Rothenbühler, J. Choi, Yao Wang, T. Xiang, J. Hu, K.-J. Zhou, V. Bisogni, R. Comin, J. Chang, J. Pelliciari*, X. Zhou*, and Z. Zhu*, Magnetic Excitations in Strained Infinite-Layer Nickelate PrNiO2, Nature Communications 15, 5576 (2024).


[69] B. Lv, A. Zong, D. Wu, Z. Nie, Y. Su, D. Choi, B. Ilyas, B. Fichera, J. Li, E. Baldini, M. Mogi, Y. Huang, H.C. Po, S. Meng, Yao Wang, N.-L. Wang, N. Gedik*, Coexistence of Interacting Charge Density Waves in a Layered Semiconductor, Physical Review Letters 132, 206401 (2024).


[68] X. Ren, J. Li, W.-C. Chen, Q. Gao, J.J. Sanchez, J. Hales, H. Luo, F. Rodolakis, J L. McChesney, J.W. Freeland, T. Xiang, J. Hu, R. Comin, Yao Wang*, X.J. Zhou*, and Z. Zhu*, Possible Strain-Induced Enhancement of the Superconducting Onset Transition Temperature in Infinite-Layer Nickelates, Communications Physics 6, 341 (2023).


[67] C. Chen, W. Tang, X. Chen, Z. Kang, S. Ding, K. Scott, S. Wang, Z. Li, J. Ruff, M. Hashimoto, D.-H. Lu, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, E. da Silva Neto, R. Birgeneau, Y. Chen, S. G. Louie*, Yao Wang*, and Y. He*, Anomalous Excitonic Phase Diagram in Band-Gap-Tuned Ta2Ni(Se,S)5, Nature Communications 14, 7512 (2023).


[66] C. Chen, X. Chen, W. Tang, Z. Li, S. Wang, S. Ding, Z. Kang, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, M. Hashimoto, D. Lu, J. Ruff, S.G. Louie, R. Birgeneau, Y. Chen, Yao Wang*, and Y. He*, Role of Electron-Phonon Coupling in Excitonic Insulator Candidate Ta2NiSe5, Physical Review Research 5, 043089 (2023).


[65] Q. Li, H.-Y. Huang, T. Ren, E. Weschke, L. Ju, C. Zou, S. Zhang, Q. Qiu, J. Liu, S. Ding, A. Singh, O. Prokhnenko, D.-J. Huang, I. Esterlis, Yao Wang, Y. Xie, and Y. Peng, Prevailing Charge Order in Overdoped La2-xSrxCuO4 Cuprates Beyond the Superconducting Dome, Physical Review Letters 131, 116002 (2023). [Editor’s Suggestion]


[64] M.M. Denner, A. Miessen, H. Yan, I. Tavernelli, T. Neupert, E. Demler, and Yao Wang*, A Hybrid Quantum-Classical Method for Electron-Phonon Systems, Communications Physics 6, 233 (2023).


[63] W.-C. Chen, Yao Wang*, and C.-C. Chen*, Superconducting Phases of the Square-Lattice Extended Hubbard Model, Physical Review B 108, 064514 (2023).


[62] M.S. Salek, P.K. Biswas, J. Pollard, J. Hales, Z. Shen, V. Dixit, M. Chowdhury, S. M. Khan, and Yao WangA Novel Hybrid Quantum-Classical Framework for an In-vehicle Controller Area Network Intrusion Detection, IEEE Access 11, 96081 (2023).


[61] B. Liu, M. Kuang, Y. Luo, Y. Li, C. Hu, J. Liu, Q. Xiao, X. Zheng, L. Huai, S. Peng, Z. Wei, J. Shen, B. Wang, Y. Miao, X. Sun, Z. Ou, S. Cui, Z. Sun, M. Hashimoto, D. Lu, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, L. Moreschini, A. Lanzara, Yao Wang, Y. Peng, Y. Yao, Z. Wang*, and J. He*, Tunable van Hove Singularity without Structural Instability in Kagome Metal CsTi3Bi5, Physical Review Letters 131, 026701 (2023). [Cover Image]


[60] J. Hales, U. Bajpai, T. Liu, D.R. Baykusheva, M. Li, M. Mitrano*, and Yao Wang*, Witnessing Light-Driven Entanglement using Time-Resolved Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering, Nature Communications 14, 3512 (2023). [Cover Image]


[59] C. Peng, Yao Wang, J. Wen, Y. Lee, T.P. Devereaux, and H.-C. Jiang*, Enhanced Superconductivity by Near-Neighbor Attraction in the Doped Extended Hubbard Model, Physical Review B (Letter) 107, L201102 (2023).


[58] E. Baldini, A. Zong, D. Choi, C. Lee, M.H. Michael, L. Windgaetter, I.I. Mazin, S. Latini, D. Azoury, B. Lv, A. Kogar, Yao Wang, Y. Lu, T. Takayama, H. Takagi, A.J. Millis, A. Rubio, E. Demler, and N. Gedik*, The Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Ta2NiSe5 is Structural in Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA 120, e2221688120 (2023).


[57] M. Yazdani-Asrami, W. Song, A. Morandi, G. de Carne, J. Murta-Pina, A. Pronto, R. Oliveira, E. Pardo, F. Grilli, M. Parizh, B. Shen, T. Coombs, T. Salmi, D. Wu, E. Coatanea, D.A. Moseley, R.A. Badcock, M. Zhang, V. Marinozzi, N. Tran, M. Wielgosz, A. Skoczen, D. Tzelepis, S. Meliopoulos, N. Vilhena, G. Sotelo, Z. Jiang, V. Große, T. Bagni, D. Mauro, C. Senatore, A. Mankevich, V. Amelichev, S. Samoilenkov, T.L. Yoon, Yao Wang, R.P. Camata, C.-C. Chen, A.M. Madureira, and A. Abraham, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Techniques for Superconductivity: a Roadmap to the Applications, Superconductor Science and Technology 36, 043501 (2023).


[56] N. Drucker, T. Liu, Z. Chen, R. Okabe, A. Chotrattanapituk, T. Nguyen, Yao Wang, and M. Li, Challenges and Opportunities of Machine Learning on Neutron and X-ray Scattering, Synchrotron Radiation News 3, 16 (2022).


[55] E.W. Huang*, S. Ding, J. Liu, and Yao Wang*, Determinantal Quantum Monte Carlo Solver for Cluster Perturbation Theory, Physical Review Research (Letter) 4, L042015 (2022).


[54] H.A. Merker, H. Heiberger, L. Nguyen, T. Liu, Z. Chen, N. Andrejevic, N.C. Drucker, R. Okabe, Yao Wang, T. Smidt, and M. Li*, Machine Learning Magnetism Classifiers from Atomic Coordinates, iScience 10, 105192 (2022).


[53] D. Qu, B. Chen, H.-C. Jiang, Yao Wang*, and W. Li*, Spin-Triplet Pairing Induced by Near-Neighbor Attraction in the Extended Hubbard Model for Cuprate Chain, Communications Physics 5, 257 (2022).


[52] Q. Xiao, W. Zhang, T.C. Asmara, D. Li, Q. Li, S. Zhang, Y. Tseng, X. Dong, Yao Wang, C.-C. Chen, T. Schmitt, and Y. Peng*, Dispersionless Orbital Excitations in (Li,Fe)OHFeSe Superconductors, npj Quantum Materials 7, 80 (2022).


[51] S. Peng, C. Lane, Y. Hu, M. Guo, X. Chen, Z. Sun, M. Hashimoto, D. Lu, Z.-X. Shen, T. Wu, X. Chen, R. Markiewicz, Yao Wang, A. Bansil, S.D. Wilson, and J. He, Electronic Nature of the Pseudogap in Electron-Doped Sr2IrO4, npj Quantum Materials 7, 58 (2022).


[50] B. Lv, A. Zong, D. Wu, A. Rozhkov, B. Fine, S.-D. Chen, M. Hashimoto, D. Lu, M. Li, Y. Huang, J. Ruff, D. Walko, Z. H. Chen, I. Hwang, Y. Su, X. Shen, X. Wang, F. Han, H. C. Po, Yao Wang, P. Jarillo-Herrero, X. Wang, H. Zhou, C.-J. Sun, H. Wen, Z.-X. Shen, N.-L. Wang, and N. Gedik*, Unconventional Hysteretic Transition in a Charge Density Wave, Physical Review Letters 128, 036401 (2022).


[49] D.R. Baykusheva, H. Jang, A.A. Husain, S. Lee, S. TenHuisen, P. Zhou, S. Park, H. Kim, J. Kim, H.-D. Kim, M. Kim, S.-Y. Park, P. Abbamonte, B. J. Kim, G. D. Gu, Yao Wang*, and M. Mitrano*, Ultrafast Renormalization of the Onsite Coulomb Repulsion in a Cuprate Superconductor, Physical Review X 12, 011013 (2022).


[48] M. Li* and Yao Wang*, One Way Express Ticket to Quantum Criticality, Nature Materials 21, 3 (2022).


[47] C. Peng, Y.-F. Jiang, Yao Wang, and H.-C. Jiang, Gapless Spin Liquid and Pair Density Wave of the Hubbard Model on Three-Leg Triangular Cylinders, New Journal of Physics 23, 123004 (2021).


[46] T. Tang, Yao Wang, B. Moritz, and T.P. Devereaux, Orbitally Selective Resonant Photodoping to Enhance Superconductivity, Physical Review B 104, 174516 (2021).


[45] Yao Wang*, Z. Chen, T. Shi, B. Moritz, Z.-X. Shen, and T.P. Devereaux*, Phonon-Mediated Long-Range Attractive Interaction in One-Dimensional Cuprates, Physical Review Letters 127, 197003 (2021).


[43] J. Koepsell, D. Bourgund, P. Sompet, S. Hirthe, A. Bohrdt, Yao Wang, F. Grusdt, E. Demler, G. Salomon, C. Gross, and l. Bloch*, Microscopic Evolution of Doped Mott Insulators from Polaronic Metal to Fermi Liquid, Science 374, 82 (2021).


[42] Yao Wang*, Y. Chen, T.P. Devereaux, B. Moritz, and M. Mitrano*, X-ray Scattering from Light-Driven Spin Fluctuations in a Doped Mott Insulator, Communications Physics 4, 212 (2021). [Editor’s Highlights]


[41] Z. ChenYao Wang, S.N. Rebec, T. Jia, M. Hashimoto, D. Lu, B. Moritz, R.G. Moore, T.P. Devereaux*, and Z.-X. Shen*, Anomalously Strong Near-Neighbor Attraction in Doped 1D Cuprate Chains, Science 373, 1235 (2021). 


[40] Yao Wang*, A. Bohrdt, S. Ding, J. Koepsell, E. Demler, and F. Grusdt*, Higher-Order Spin-Hole Correlations around a Localized Charge Impurity, Physical Review Research 3, 033204 (2021). 


[39] Z. Chen, N. Andrejevic, N. Drucker, T. Nguyen, R. P. Xian, T. Smidt, Yao Wang, R. Ernstorfer, A. Tennant, M. Chan, and M. Li*, Machine Learning on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering and Spectroscopies, Chemical Physics Review 2, 031301 (2021). [Editor Featured]


[38] Y. Zhou, J. Sung, E. Brutschea, I. Esterlis, Yao Wang, G. Scuri, R.J. Gelly, H. Heo, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, G. Zaránd, M.D. Lukin, P. Kim, E. Demler*, and H. Park*, Bilayer Wigner Crystals in a Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterostructure, Nature 595, 48 (2021).


[37] M. Buzzi, G. Jotzu, A. Cavalleri, J.I. Cirac, E. Demler, B.I. Halperin, M.D. Lukin, T. Shi, Yao Wang, and D. Podolsky*, Higgs-Mediated Optical Amplification in a Non-Equilibrium Superconductor. Physical Review X 11, 011055 (2021).


[36] A. Bohrdt, Yao Wang, J. Koepsell, M. Kánasz-Nagy, E. Demler, and F. Grusdt*, Dominant Fifth-Order Correlations in Doped Quantum Anti-Ferromagnets, Physical Review Letters 126, 026401 (2021).


[35] Yao Wang*, I. Esterlis, T. Shi*, J.I. Cirac, and E. Demler, Zero-Temperature Phases of the 2D Hubbard-Holstein Model: A Non-Gaussian Exact Diagonalization Study, Physical Review Research 2, 043258 (2020).


[34] Yao Wang*, Y. He, K. Wohlfeld, M. Hashimoto, E.W. Huang, D. Lu, S.-K. Mo, S. Komiya, C. Jia, B. Moritz, Z.-X. Shen, and T.P. Devereaux*, Emergence of Quasiparticle in Doped Mott Insulators, Communications Physics 3, 210 (2020).


[33] Y. Chen, Yao Wang*, M. Claassen, B. Moritz, and T.P. Devereaux*, Observing Photo-Induced Chiral Edge States of Graphene Nanoribbons in Pump-Probe Spectroscopies, npj Quantum Materials 5, 84 (2020).


[32] M. Mitrano* and Yao Wang*, Probing Light-Driven Quantum Materials with Ultrafast Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering, Communications Physics 3, 184 (2020). [Editor’s Highlights]


[31] R. Li, P. Zhu, H. Zhang, Yao Wang, J. Chen, P.M. Rentzepis, and J. Zhang*, Evolution of Picosecond Surface Electric Fields Generated by Photon-induced Charge Emission from La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 Films. Physical Review B 102, 024302 (2020). 


[30] Yao Wang, Y. Chen, C. Jia, B. Moritz, and T.P. Devereaux, Time-Resolved Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering in a Pumped Mott Insulator. Physical Review B 101, 165126 (2020).


[29] J.P. Dehollain, U. Mukhopadhyay, V.P. Michal, Yao Wang, B. Wunsch, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, M. Rudner, E. Demler, and L.M.K. Vandersypen*, Nagaoka Ferromagnetism Observed in a Quantum Dot Plaquette. Nature 579, 528 (2020).


[28] Yao Wang*, J.P. Dehollain, F. Liu, U. Mukhopadhyay, M. Rudner, L.M.K. Vandersypen, and E. Demler, Ab Initio Exact Diagonalization Simulation of the Nagaoka Transition in Quantum Dots. Physical Review B 100, 155133 (2019).


[27] E.M. ParschkeYao Wang, B. Moritz, T.P. Devereaux, C.-C. Chen, and K. Wohlfeld, Numerical Investigation of Spin Excitations in a Doped Spin Chain. Physical Review B 99, 205102 (2019).


[26] Y. Chen, Yao Wang, C. Jia, B. Moritz, A.M. Shvaika, J.K. Freericks, and T.P. Devereaux*, Theory for Time-Resolved Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering. Physical Review B 99, 104306 (2019). [Editor’s Suggestion] 


[25] H. Ruiz, Yao Wang, A. Baum, R. Hackl, B. Moritz and T.P. Devereaux*, Frustrated Magnetism from Local Moments in FeSe. Physical Review B 99, 125130 (2019).


[24] J. He, C. Rotundu, M. Scheurer, Y. He, M. Hashimoto, K. Xu, Yao Wang, E. Huang, T. Jia, S.-D. Chen, B. Moritz, D. Lu, Y. Lee, T.P. Devereaux, and Z.-X. Shen*, Fermi Surface Reconstruction in Electron-Doped Cuprates without Antiferromagnetic Long-Range Order. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA 116, 3449 (2019).


[23] A. Baum, H.N. Ruiz, N. Lazarević, Yao Wang, T. Böhm, R.H. Ahangharnejhad, P. Adelmann, T. Wolf, Z.V. Popović, B. Moritz, T.P. Devereaux, and R. Hackl*, Frustrated Spin Order and Stripe Fluctuations in FeSe. Communications Physics 2, 14 (2019).


[21] Y.Y. Peng, E.W. Huang, R. Fumagalli, M. Minola, Yao Wang, X. Sun, Y. Ding, K. Kummer, X.J. Zhou, N.B. Brookes, B. Moritz, L. Braicovich, T.P. Devereaux, and G. Ghiringhelli, Dispersion, Damping, and Intensity of Spin Excitations in the Single-Layer (Bi,Pb)2(Sr,La)2CuO6+δ Cuprate Superconductor Family, Physical Review B 98, 144507 (2018).


[20] Yao Wang, M. Claassen, D. Pemmeraju, C. Jia, B. Moritz, and T.P. Devereaux, Theoretical Understanding of Photon Spectroscopies in Correlated Materials In and Out of Equilibrium. Nature Reviews Materials 3, 312 (2018).


[19] Yao Wang, C.-C. Chen, B. Moritz, and T.P. Devereaux, Light-Enhanced Spin Fluctuations and d-Wave Superconductivity at a Phase Boundary. Physical Review Letters 120, 246402 (2018).


[18] Yao Wang, E.W. Huang, B. Moritz, and T.P. Devereaux, Magnon Splitting Induced by Charge Transfer in the Three-Orbital Hubbard Model. Physical Review Letters 120, 246401 (2018).


[17] L. Chaix, E.W. Huang, C. Jia, S. Gerber, X. Lu, Y. Huang, D. McNally, Yao Wang, F.H. Vernay, A. Keren, M. Shi, T. Schmitt, B. Moritz, Z.-X. Shen, T. P. Devereaux, and W.-S. Lee, Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Studies of Magnons and Bimagnons in the Lightly Doped Cuprate La2-xSrxCuO4. Physical Review B 97, 155144 (2018).


[16] H. Guo, E. Khatami, Yao Wang, T.P. Devereaux, R.R.P. Singh, and R.T. Scalettar, Unconventional Pairing Symmetry of Interacting Dirac Fermions on a π-Flux Lattice. Physical Review B 97, 155146 (2018).


[15] Yao Wang, B. Moritz, C.-C. Chen, T.P. Devereaux, and K. Wohlfeld, Influence of Magnetism and Correlation on the Spectral Properties of Doped Mott Insulators. Physical Review B 97, 115120 (2018).


[14] C.J. JiaYao Wang, C.B. Mendl, B. Moritz, and T.P. Devereaux, Paradeisos: a Perfect Hashing Algorithm for Many-Body Eigenvalue Problems. Computer Physics Communications 224, 81-89 (2018).


[13] C. Chen, J. Avila, S. Wang, Yao Wang, M. Mucha-Kruczynski, C. Shen, R. Yang, B. Nosarzewski, T.P. Devereaux, G. Zhang, and M.C. Asensio, Emergence of Interfacial Polarons from Electron-Phonon Coupling in Graphene/h-BN van der Waals Heterostructures. Nano Letters 18, 1082-1087 (2018).


[12] Yao Wang, M. Claassen, B. Moritz, and T.P. Devereaux, Producing Coherent Excitations in Pumped Mott Antiferromagnetic Insulators. Physical Review B 96, 235142 (2017).


[11] S.-L. Yang, J.A. Sobota, Y. He, Yao Wang, D. Leuenberger, H. Soifer, M. Hashimoto, D.H. Lu, H. Eisaki, B. Moritz, T.P. Devereaux, P.S. Kirchmann, and Z.-X. Shen, Revealing the Coulomb Interaction Strength in a Cuprate Superconductor. Physical Review B 96, 245112 (2017).


[10] Y.F. Kung, C. Bazin, K. Wohlfeld, Yao Wang, C.-C. Chen, C.J. Jia, S. Johnston, B. Moritz, F. Mila, and T.P. Devereaux, Numerically Exploring the 1D-2D Dimensional Crossover on Spin Dynamics in the Doped Hubbard Model. Physical Review B 96, 195106 (2017).


[9] T.P. Devereaux, A.M. Shvaika, K. Wu, K. Wohlfeld, C.J. Jia, Yao Wang, B. Moritz, L. Chaix, W.-S. Lee, Z.-X. Shen, G. Ghiringhelli, and L. Braicovich, Directly Characterizing the Relative Strength and Momentum Dependence of Electron-Phonon Coupling Using Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering. Physical Review X 6, 041019 (2016).


[8] C. Jia, K. Wohlfeld, Yao Wang, B. Moritz, and T.P. Devereaux, Using RIXS to Uncover Elementary Charge and Spin Excitations. Physical Review X 6, 021020 (2016).


[7] Z. Wang, S. McKeown Walker, A. Tamai, Yao Wang, Z. Ristic, F.Y. Bruno, A. de la Torre, S. Riccò, N.C. Plumb, M. Shi, P. Hlawenka, J. Sánchez-Barriga, A. Varykhalov, T.K. Kim, M. Hoesch, P.D.C. King, W. Meevasana, U. Diebold, J. Mesot, B. Moritz, T.P. Devereaux, M. Radovic, and F. Baumberger, Tailoring the Nature and Strength of Electron–Phonon Interactions in the SrTiO3 (001) 2D Electron Liquid. Nature Materials 15, 835 (2016).


[6] Y.F. Kung, C.-C. Chen, Yao Wang, E.W. Huang, E.A. Nowadnick, B. Moritz, R.T. Scalettar, S. Johnston, and T.P. Devereaux, Characterizing the Three-Orbital Hubbard Model with Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo. Physical Review B 93, 155166 (2016). [Editor’s Suggestion]


[5] Yao Wang, B. Moritz, C.-C. Chen, C. Jia, M. van Veenendaal, and T.P. Devereaux, Using Nonequilibrium Dynamics to Probe Competing Orders in a Mott-Peierls System. Physical Review Letters 116, 086401 (2016).


[4] Yao Wang, K. Wohlfeld, B. Moritz, C.J. Jia, M. van Veenendaal, K. Wu, C.-C. Chen, and T.P. Devereaux, Origin of Strong Dispersion in Hubbard Insulators. Physical Review B 92, 075119 (2015).

[3] N. Plonka, C.J. Jia, Yao Wang, B. Moritz, and T.P. Devereaux, Fidelity Study of Superconductivity in Extended Hubbard Models. Physical Review B 92, 024503 (2015).


[2] Yao Wang, C.J. Jia, B. Moritz, and T.P. Devereaux, Real-Space Visualization of Remnant Mott Gap and Magnon Excitations. Physical Review Letters 112, 156402 (2014).


[1] H.-B. Chen, Yao Wang, X. Chen, and Z.-J. Lin, Gas Phase Conformations of Tetrapeptide Glycine-Phenylalanine-Glycine-Glycine. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 25, 77 (2013).


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