RESEARCH (heading)

Quantum many-body systems represent a frontier in both applied and theoretical science, poised to catalyze the next technological revolution. These systems hold the promise of groundbreaking applications, including high-temperature superconductors for lossless power transmission, robust quantum computing devices, high-efficiency photovoltaic cells, and ultrafast transistors for advanced electronics. At a more fundamental level, the quantum entanglement intrinsic to these systems introduces novel states of matter, often beyond the reach of traditional perturbative or mean-field techniques.

The Wang group is dedicated to advancing our understanding of quantum many-body systems through sophisticated computational methodologies, such as high-performance computing, quantum computing, and quantum simulations. Our research is particularly focused on bridging experimental findings with theoretical frameworks to foster a comprehensive understanding of these intricate systems and to drive practical applications.

pump-probe spectroscopic theory, ultrafast characterization of entanglement, nonthermal control of interactions, light-induced superconductivity

strongly correlated materials, entanglement witness, quantum phonons, low-dimensional materials, spectral characterization of fluctuating orders

ultracold atoms, quantum dots, high-order correlations, moiré systems, Wigner crystal

hardware-efficient hybrid quantum algorithms, algorithms for unbounded Hilbert space, quantum artificial intelligence

variational non-Gaussian exact diagonalization, Fock-state quantum Monte Carlo, Paradeisos algorithm, mesoscopic ab initio method

time-resolved x-ray spectroscopies, nano-scale photoemission, quantum gas microscopy

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