Yao Wang
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Emory University
Adjunct Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Clemson University
Ph.D. in Applied Physics, Stanford University, 2017
Minor in Computational and Mathematical Engineering
B.S. in Applied Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, 2011
Office: Emerson E524
Email: yao.wang AT emory.edu
Phone: 404.727.6592
Selected Awards & Prizes
- 2023 Dean’s Professorship Award, College of Science, Clemson
- 2023 AFOSR Young Investigator Award, Air Force Office of Scientific Research
- 2022 DOE Early Career Award, Department of Energy
- 2019 IUCr Young Scientist Award, Inelastic X-ray Scattering Conference
- 2017 – 2020 MPHQ Postdoctoral Fellowship, Harvard University
- 2012 – 2015 Stanford Graduate Fellowship, Stanford University
- 2011 Guo Moruo Scholarship, University of Science and Technology of China
Shaozhi Li
Ph.D. University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Logan Xu
Ph.D. Georgetown University
Prakash Sharma
Ph.D. Florida State University
Chendi Xie
Graduate Student
B.S. Jilin University
Jordyn Hales
Graduate Student
B.S. Utah Valley University
Zecheng Shen
Graduate Student
B.S. Sun Yat-sen University
Haoran Yan
Graduate Student
B.S. Zhejiang University
Luting Wang
Undergraduate Student
Georgia Tech Class of 2025
Euna Jang
Undergraduate Student
Emory Class of 2025
Yea Eun Chung
Undergraduate Student
Emory Class of 2025
Srijon Sarkar
Undergraduate Student
Emory Class of 2027
Utkarsh Bajpai | Postdoctoral Fellow 2021 | (Currently: research staff @ IBM Research) |
Vivek Dixit | Postdoctoral Fellow 2021-2022 | (Currently: associate professor @ International School of Engineering, Bengaluru) |
Wei-Chih Chen | Postdoctoral Fellow 2021-2022 | (Currently: OPC engineer @ TSMC, Taiwan) |
Lei Xu | Postdoctoral Fellow 2023-2024 | (Currently: staff scientist @ Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) |
Tongtong Liu | Visiting Scholar 2023-2024 | (Currently: data scientist @ Themis AI) |
Sreelaya Devaguptam | Visiting Scholar 2023-2024 | (Currently: data scientist @ Walmart) |
Rohit Sai Kiran Gadde | Research Specialist 2023-2024 | (Currently: software engineer) |
Rajat Mettal | Master Student 2022-2023 | (Currently: software engineer @ Amazon) |
Matthew Myers | Undergraduate Student 2020-2022 | (Currently: graduate student @ University of Wisconsin, Madison) |
Shuhan Ding | Undergraduate Student 2021-2022 | (Currently: graduate student @ MIT) |
Jiarui Liu | Undergraduate Student 2022-2023 | (Currently: graduate student @ UC Berkeley) |
Raymond Purdy | Undergraduate Student 2022 | (Currently: undergraduate student @ Clemson University) |
Kathryn N. Evancho | Undergraduate Student 2022-2023 | (Currently: graduate student @ Clemson University) |
Yuanjie Sun | Undergraduate Student 2022 | (Currently: graduate student @ Penn State University) |
Kai Zhou | Undergraduate Student 2023 | (Currently: graduate student @ University of Colorado Boulder) |
Nathaniel Bruss | High-School Student 2021-2022 | (Currently: undergraduate student @ Princeton University) |
Neil Graham | High School Intern Student 2023 | (Currently: undergraduate student @ Clemson University) |
Turvi Masineni | High School Intern Student 2023 | (Currently: undergraduate student @ Clemson University) |