Two TNS papers published
Our two Ta2NiSe5 papers have been published in Physical Review Research and Nature Communications! Congrats to Shuhan! It is a great experiment-theory collaboration with Prof. Yu He.
Invited Talk at Rice
Yao presented an invited talk at the RCQM Seminar of Rice University about entanglement probe in quantum materials
Move to Emory
Our group has moved to Emory University. Please contact Prof. Wang using the new email address yao.wang@emory.edu.
Phonon quantum algorithm paper published in Commun. Phys.
Our paper about quantum algorithm for electron-phonon systems has been published in Communications Physics! Congrats to Haoran.
Extended Hubbard model paper published in Phys. Rev. B
Our paper about the 2D extended Hubbard model has been published in Physical Review B! Congrats to Wei-Chih as the first paper in the group.
Quantum RBM paper published in IEEE Access
Our hybrid quantum-classical RBM paper has been published in IEEE Access. Congrats to Vivek as the first paper in the group! Also congrats to Zecheng and Jordyn! It is a successful attempt of a research-oriented graduate course, co-instructed with Prof. Ronnie Chowdhury.
Entanglement probe paper published in Nat. Commun.
Our entanglement control and probe paper has been published in Nature Communications. Congrats to Jordyn and Utkarsh!
X Ultrafast Dynamics Symposium
Yao presented an invited talk at the X Ultrafast Dynamics Symposium about entanglement probe and control in magnets.
MRS Spring Meeting 2023
Yao presented an invited talk at the MRS Spring Meeting about engineering and characterizing quantum magnets.
Wang Group joins DOT Center
We are now part of the newly established DOT University Transportation Center and will lead the quantum effort in the center.
Yao receives AFOSR Award
Yao is selected as the recipient of 2023 AFOSR Young Investigator Award!
Invited talk at Northeastern
Yao presented an invited talk at Northeastern University about correlations and electron-phonon coupling in superconductors.
Invited talk at ITAMP workshop
Yao presented an invited talk at the ITAMP workshop on “Quantum simulation of doped Hubbard Systems”, about single-hole many-body effects in ultracold atoms and quantum dots.
Invited talk at ETH Zurich
Yao presented an invited talk at ETH Zurich about phonons with correlated electrons and quantum computing.
Invited talk at PSI
Yao presents an invited talk at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Swiss Light Source, about time-resolved x-ray scattering and control of quantum materials.
Triplet superconductivity paper published at Commun. Phys.
Our attractive extended Hubbard model p-wave superconductivity paper has been posted online at Communications Physics!
Invited talk at JHU
Yao presented an invited talk at the Condensed Matter Seminar of Johns Hopkins University about phonons in unconventional superconductors